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Books by 

Renwick Brutus

Embark on a life-changing journey with Renwick Brutus, a true success story born on a sugar estate in Guyana, South America. Renwick's books are not just narratives; they are powerful guides that have transformed the lives of countless individuals and organizations. As a black immigrant in the United States, he has become a beacon of inspiration, offering invaluable insights in personal success and entrepreneurship. Renwick's authenticity and generosity resonate in his words, urging readers to "believe in the possible" and improve their lives. Join the community of individuals benefiting from his books, experience a transformative shift, and discover the irrefutable path to success.


Irresistible Communication


The Achiever's Pocket Guide to Effective Networking


5 Reasons Why Good Enough Isn’t Good Enough


5 Irresistible Habits to Get Ahead in Life


Renwick Brutus was born on a sugar estate in Guyana, South America and has overcome innumerable barriers and roadblocks that were a central aspect of his life's journey. He has achieved success while living in an expatriate controlled colony, he has achieved success as a black immigrant from a small underdeveloped Third World country to the United States, and he has achieved success in the business of helping others find and increase success irrespective of their circumstances.

Renwick is an expert in the fields of personal success and entrepreneurship. Ask him what he does and he is quick to say that he "plays for pay."

He has transformed nothing to something, struggles to success, and pain to pleasure. He is at the top of his game as an entrepreneur, community leader, business strategist, author, business consultant and motivational speaker. Renwick is genuinely liked wherever he goes because he is authentic, generous, and personable. He inspires audiences to believe in the possible as he playfully makes the complex simple...and available. He is considered a sage by many who know him.

More significant to him than any of his accomplishments are his belief in the goodness of people and the unlimited potential that exists within every one of us. It is those beliefs that causes Renwick to encourage everyone he meets and everyone to whom he speaks to “believe in the possible” and to seek ways to improve the lives of others. He helps his audiences see that irrefutable path to success.

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